Stage 2 of Skawina Ring Road construction completed
Beltway Skawina II stage opening
Stage 2 of the construction of Skawina Ring Road has been completed. The ceremonial opening was made on July 22th. The investment project included construction of a bridge over a rail line, roundabout at the intersection with DK 44 road, as well as a new road of length 2.2 km by which walkways, roadsides and bicycle path were created.
Thanks to the construction of the ring road with per-axle capacity standard of 11.5 T, it is adapted to carrying traffic in conformance with the European standards. This will also allow to lead transit traffic out of the city. Road and pedestrian traffic safety will improve for the residents of Skawina. Travel times for drivers will definitely shorten and comfort of driving on the new road will increase.
The entrepreneurs, on the other hand, will gain larger accessibility to the investment areas adjacent to the city of Skawina.
The cost of construction works is over PLN 41 million.
The investment was realized through co-operation with the company “Polbud Pomorze”.
Investor: Urząd Marszałkowski w Krakowie
Contractor: Most sp. z o.o., Kujawska 51A, 81-862 Sopot oraz POLBUD POMORZE Łącko 18, 88-170 Pakość
Construction Manager: mgr inż. Tomasz Szarkowicz - Most sp. z o.o.