End of the first stage of the overpass repair over the Poznan Fast Tram
Poznan Fast Tram Szymanowskiego
Repair of the overpass over the Poznań Fast Tram Szymanowskiego stop in Poznań going according to schedule. On Saturday, May 18, 2019, traffic will be restored on the modernised part of the south line.
From Saturday, the overpass will also be used by pedestrians, due to the works on the retaining wall; so far they will not be able to climb the stairs from the side of the Batory housing estate.
Works performed as part of the "Renovation of the southern road slab with longitudinal dilatation on the Szymanowskiego - PST overpass in Poznań":
- elements of equipment (balustrades, anti-shock shields, road surface and platform insulation) were dismantled
- 3 staircases: A, C, E were demolished
- pavement and inter-road side slabs were dismantled
- curbs were dismantled
- platform slab was dismantled
- longitudinal dilatations were dismantled
- milling of the abrasive layer of the surface on access roads was performed
- new overpass slab with insulation was made
- new pavement and inter-road side slab was made, together with the surface on them
- transverse modular dilatations were installed
- modular dilatations were installed between the overpass and stairs A and C
- new balustrades were made on stairs A, C, E and on the object’s slab
- new anti-shock screens were made
- new passage slabs were made
- bituminous surface on the facility and access roads has been reconstructed
- replacement of a section of rainwater drainage along Szymanowskiego Street was carried out.
Works planned in the near future:
- introduction of a change in traffic organisation consisting in directing traffic to the newly renovated fragment of the road traffic overpass (2 traffic lanes), restoring a bus stop and bus lane at the facility and running of public communication, restoring pedestrian traffic to the southern line of the overpass (MPK - PST stop)
- milling of asphalt surfaces and demolition of the remaining part of the supporting structure of the southern overpass, while preserving the existing WBS beams
- execution of a new overpass slab together with a longitudinal dilatation between the slabs of the southern and northern overpass
- execution of new transition slabs and reconstruction of the surface on access roads to the facility.
The above works will have an analogous impact on obstructions in vehicle traffic as was the case so far during the works in the first stage of the project. This will be related to the reduction of the capacity of the stream of vehicles at the junction of Szymanowskiego - Opieńskiego - Szeligowskiego Streets. As for pedestrian traffic, the obstructions will be minimised to restrictions on moving underneath the facility in the section to be renovated in the next stage. Communication between the MZK and PST Szymanowskiego stops will be restored to the state before the first stage of the repair works.
Planned completion and commissioning: 06.12.2020
Investor: City of Poznań - Municipal Road Administration, ul. Wilczak 17, 61-623 Poznań
Substitute investor: Poznańskie Inwestycje Miejskie sp. z o.o., Plac Wiosny Ludów 2, 61-831 Poznań.
Contractor: Most sp. z o.o., Kujawska 51A, 81-862 Sopot
Site manager: Eng. Piotr Mathews - Most sp. z o.o.